PUBLIC HEARING Ordinances and Budget, Budget Committee and Select Board Meeting, and Select Board Meeting
When:This will consist of four meetings, one immediately following the other.
- The meeting will begin with the BUDGET COMMITTEE HEARING at 5 PM to receive public comment on the proposed municipal budget for 2020-21.
- At the end of the hearing, the Budget Committee and the Select Board will make their formal recommendations for each budget line for placement on the warrant article for the town meeting on June 25th.
- Following the meeting will be the ORDINANCE PUBLIC HEARING to receive public comment on the proposals listed below.
- Following this meeting, the SELECT BOARD business meeting will begin.
Due to the Governor’s Coronavirus Stay Safer at Home Directive, the Board and Committee will be participating via teleconference and the public will be able to view the meeting live on Lake Region Television and the LRTV website. The public may participate in the meeting using the zoom link and password below or may call into the hearings via telephone at (207) 693-6364 and using extension 111.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 824 9697 0467
Password: 542214
Ordinances/Amendments for the hearing include -
- the voter petition to rezone the parcels at 678 Roosevelt Trail and 697 Roosevelt Trail from Village District to Commercial District
- the Marine Safety Ordinance Amendment
- the Solar Overlay District and Overlay Map
- the Food Sovereignty Ordinance
The supporting documents can be found under the Town Meeting section on the notices page.