Selectboard Meeting


June 6, 2016
At the Naples Municipal Building
At 7:00 pm
Selectboard Agenda
  1.       Call to order
  2.       Review and approve the minutes – log signing
  3.       Public Participation
  4.       New Business
A.)  Great Northern Docks Rental Agreement
B.)  Agreement for rent of office space at Central Fire Station – State Parole Office
C.)  Naples Casco Before and Aftercare Rental Agreement
D.)  Kent’s Landing Caretaker Agreement
  1.       Old Business
  2.       Manager’s Report (Verbal)
  3.       Consent Items
  4.       Payroll and payables
  5.       Executive session pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(A) to discuss the Town Manager’s annual performance evaluation.
  6.   Other business as appropriate
  7.    Adjourn