
Ice Fishing Open House: Saturday, February 15th , 2025 - Presented by the Sebago Lakes Anglers Assoc.

What: A “no cost” opportunity to learn all about ice fishing— how to dress, the
equipment used, the techniques employed, the various baits, how and where to drill holes, etc. Everything you need to know to have a great time on the ice!

We will be having a raffle for an item TBD

Who: EVERYONE from beginners to ice fishing enthusiasts. There will be instructors there to teach new comers everything they need to know about why so many people love this sport. 

If you prefer, you can just come by and grab a bite, warm up in a hut or at a pit and fish.

Where: On the ice of Long Lake directly off of Kent’s Landing, Naples. Look for the Veterans’ Ice Hut with the American flag!

When: Saturday,  February 15th 2025, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
(Weather cancellation date of February 22nd)

Hosted By:  Naples Recreation Department—Sebago Lake Anglers’ Assn and American Legion
Posts 148 and 155.

Where do I park?: Parking free of charge in either the Kent’s Landing parking lot or down off the boat ramp to the left on the beach where the snow has been plowed

What should I bring?: Dress warmly with good snow boots. Ice grippers with aggressive cleats recommended. Good gloves and hats and a scarf for wind. If you own your own ice fishing gear feel free to bring it or you can use ours. A lawn or camping chair if you dislike standing for longer periods. This event is designed for folks new to the sport but veteran fishermen and women are welcomed, particularly kids and veterans. Warming hut available; fire rings outside hut.


What’s to eat?: We will be serving Hot Tea and Coffee, Hot Chocolate and donuts. from 9-noon; then Hot Dogs and Hot Crock Pot Meals in the afternoon, along with soda and water, and desserts in the afternoon.


What will it cost me? Nothing! Donations will be gratefully accepted

Who do I call for more information? Brian Crockett, 207-693-6364 x104